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     For millions of Americans, it is a daily struggle just to get out of bed in the morning, let alone summon up enough energy and drive to fulfill daily duties and responsibilities. At present, there is no effective treatment offered by conventional medicine for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). And while the individual root causes of chronic fatigue tend to vary, there are a number of holistic approaches that have helped many people with this condition regain healthy energy levels without the use of harsh stimulants.

     Questions about fatigue are some of the most common that I hear from patients. We all become run-down now and then, due to the stresses of everyday life and the demands of our busy schedules. Over extended periods this can overburden our bodies, creating a situation from which it is not easy to bounce back.

Some of the main symptoms of CFS are:
-Impaired short-term memory of concentration which significantly affects normal activities 
-Sore throat 
-Tender lymph nodes in the neck or underarms
-Muscle pain
-Pain in multiple joints with no joint swelling or redness
-Headaches of a new type or severity
-Unrefreshing sleep
-General malaise following physical exertion that lasts more than 24 hours 

Other common symptoms include: bloating; nausea; diarrhea; night sweats or chills; brain fogginess; dizziness; shortness of breath; chronic cough; visual disturbances; allergies or sensitivities to foods, alcohol, chemicals; irregular heartbeat or palpitations; jaw pain, or pain in eyes or mouth.
A qualified naturopathic doctor can usually devise a protocol that will be effective in treating the symptoms, as well as creating health and well-being for the totality of the patient. 
Are you suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Enter Your Info Below to Find a Naturopathic Solution to your chronic fatigue symptoms. 
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What our Patient's Say

Patient Video Testimonial: Overcoming Chronic Fatigue & Other Health Issues

"Within the first few visits, I felt like I was getting my ENERGY back"

"I have so much energy, I look good, I feel good!"

"I always thought I was healthy. I exercise daily, eat raw organic foods, juice and take vitamins. I am 39 and was feeling really tired. I thought I was too young to be feeling like this. I found myself to be drinking more and more coffee just to get through my work day. I was having trouble sleeping and my PMS symptoms were worsening. My workouts were affected as well. I was feeling irritable. Since I have been seeing Dr. Ostroff my PMS symptoms are almost non existent. I have no trouble sleeping and only drink one cup of coffee in the morning. My hair, skin and nails have improved dramatically and even get complements on my complexion. She was the best doctor I have ever had. I’m a physical therapist and work with doctors everyday. Love love love her! "
- Kristin L.

"Dr. Diana Joy has assisted my family remotely via phone since 2011. Even though we live in Arkansas, Dr. Diana Joy Ostroff has been more accessible than our local family doctor! Her approach to balance the "whole" system not just treat symptoms is the biggest reward. Not only did we feel better, we stayed healthier than our friends and family over the years! Longevity is the secret... other doctors treat symptoms, Dr. Joy heals the entire body with her programs! And the best thing is, you don't have to even live in Hawaii to become a client! Mahalo! "
- Robert E.

"When I first saw Dr. Ostroff, I was suffering from frequent fatigue, diarrhea, and nausea. For the past 2 years, I saw my medical doctor every 3 or 4 months. While he ruled out any serious conditions, he could not help me to feel better. Over time, these symptoms had gotten progressively worse. My fatigue go so bad that I had difficulty getting out of bed in the morning. During my worst months, I missed at least one day of work each week.
I had diarrhea, usually with the fatigue, often several times during a day. This made me reluctant to leave the house because I did not want to be in the car with the urge to move my bowels. Finally, the nauseas naturally affected my appetite. It was another reason I was reluctant to leave the house. While I never vomited, I never knew if the nausea would progress to the point of vomiting.
After my first appointment with Dr. Ostroff, I felt 100% better. My energy level increased dramatically. The nausea also subsided. It was reassuring to know what was wrong with me. It was also reassuring that my symptoms were not psychological and physiologically-based. I felt empowered again since I could do things to improve my health. Dr. Ostroff’s ability to assess the functioning of various systems/organs of the body, the various supplements and remedies, the acupuncture treatments, and her dietary suggestions are the reasons I am the healthiest I’ve been in years. It is also the reason my sister-in-law and my mom are patients too! Thank you Dr. Ostroff!"
- Neal
Schedule your Consultation with Dr. Diana Joy Ostroff
  • Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine – National College of Naturopathic Medicine
  • Doctorate – Oriental Medical Institute of Hawaii
  • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology – University of Oregon and University of Delaware
  • Bachelor of Arts in Physical Educaton- University of Oregon
  • ​Diplomate, National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture
  • ​Member- American Association of Naturopathic Medicine
  • ​Member- Hawaii Society of Naturopathic Medicine
  • ​Member- Hawaii Acupuncture Association of Oriental Medicine
  • ​Member- American Association of Oriental Medicine
  • ​Member- Board of Examiners in Naturopathic Medicine- Past
  • ​Member- Advisory Board for the Life Healing Foundation

Meet Dr. Joy
Founder of The Center for Natural Healing 
Dr. Diana Joy Ostroff has been practicing Naturopathic Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine on Oahu since 1989. She was motivated into her career of choice by a desire and drive to heal herself. Realizing when she was a teenager that life could be so much richer if she felt amazingly healthy in mind, body and spirit, Dr. Joy began her quest for knowledge, skill, and mastery in 1978 when she started learning yoga, psychology, meditation, nutrition, and physical fitness. Holding to a philosophy that we are able to heal our own bodies through elements found in nature, guided Dr. Joy decided to seek out the field of naturopathy. Twelve years of additional study in pre-med and medical sciences as well as Naturopathic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, Hawaiian healing arts and study abroad in Asia; plus 31 solid years of treating thousands of patients across the world gives Dr. Joy the experience and credibility to make a deep and long lasting impact and impression on how her patients’ bodies work, and how they can work with greater efficiency and vitality.
In 1989, Dr. Joy founded the Center for Natural Healing Hawaii to focus on: • Optimal Health for the MIND, BODY, AND SOUL • Balanced Wellness For Mothers And Children – Holistic Pediatric Care • Restorative Health For Mothers • Emotional Well-Being – Freedom From Depression And Anxiety • Nutritional Health, Digestive Health – Freedom From Eating Disorders, Weight Gain, Cravings, And Bloating • Hormonal Balance – Freedom From PMS, Happiness After Menopause, Male Virility. She is the author of the “Wisdom of Well-Being Book series” – “Your Health is in Your Hands”, “The Joy of Eating – for Kids and their Moms”, and “Get the Skinny on Getting Skinny”.
Dr. Diana Joy Ostroff is an engaging speaker and teacher on Naturopathic Medicine and Health and often appears as a guest speaker at events, seminars and other educational lectures.

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